La Cense Beef simply makes sense.

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Often, when we think about improving our nutrition, beef can take a beating. Overlooked is the fact that its protein content is a powerful nutrient that strengthens our bodies, and that it is rich in vitamin B12, riboflavin, niacin, iron, and zinc, all of which play an important role in a healthful lifestyle and disease prevention.

We, however, always have been fans of red meat, and La Cense Beef, Dillon, Mont., is a particular favorite. On an 88,000-acre ranch, hormone- and pesticide-free Black Angus cattle graze in a pristine, humane, and sustainable environment. With a focus on producing the cleanest, natural product that is superior in taste, quality, and nutrition, ranchers at La Cense Beef employ a highly sophisticated process of rotational grazing--giving back to the land and reducing the cattle's carbon footprint. La Cense does not use pesticides on their fields, nor are its cattle grain-fed, so fewer natural resources are used to raise the herd.


La Cense Beef derives its unique flavor from the grasses and plants the cattle graze on as well as the humane and stress-free environment provided by the ranchers. Nutritionally, La Cense beef is lower in calories (a 6 oz. grass-fed steak has about 100 fewer calories than one from a grain-fed cow) and higher in Omega-3 fatty and conjugated linoleic acids. These have been shown to help reduce the risk of several types of cancer, diabetes, obesity, and certain immune disorders, and they...

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