Caribbean General Assembly.

AuthorConaway, Janelle
PositionOAS - OAS General Assembly in Barbados, June 2-4, 2002 - Brief Article

NOWADAYS THE WORD security tends to be linked closely to the need to fight terrorism. Ambassador Michael King of Barbados sees security as a much broader concern.

Small island states, in particular, face a range of threats to their stability and even survival, King says--threats as diverse as drug trafficking, HIV/AIDS, transnational crime, natural disasters, and rising sea levels. In a small country, problems tend to have national reach. When drug traffickers set up operations or a hurricane hits the coast or the market for a basic commodity disappears, the effects can include economic disruption, social upheaval, and political instability.

"We are operating in a very vulnerable environment," King says. He hopes the next session of the OAS General Assembly, which takes place June 2-4 in Bridgetown, Barbados, will help put the spotlight on this multidimensional concept of hemispheric security, as well as other issues of particular concern to Caribbean countries.

"The Caribbean represents part of the diversity of the Organization of American States," King says. "We want to make this General Assembly a Caribbean General Assembly."

King says that small countries have faced new burdens since the terrorist attacks of last September, such as the need to increase security measures for airports and sea ports. At the same time, some countries have had significant drops in tourism, and customs revenues are falling due to the lowering of trade barriers.

"There are many challenges for small states," King says. He and his Caribbean colleagues also share a concern about the future availability of OAS cooperation funds for development.

Besides raising awareness about the Caribbean region's concerns, the 2002 General Assembly can help...

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