Campus outreach event promotes diversity, careers in tax.

Fifty students from 16 Atlanta area universities and colleges attended a November 1 campus outreach event organized by and PricewaterhouseCoopers and hosted by Clark Atlanta University. The program's goal was to engage and educate a diverse population of students about career opportunities in the tax profession. The audience consisted predominantly of minority students, with noteworthy numbers of women and African Americans.

TEI and its Atlanta Chapter were very pleased to support the program. Along with TEI, TaxDiversity, and PwC, other sponsors included Deloitte & Touche, KPMG, and UPS.

Feedback from attendees was overwhelmingly positive. "Thanks for taking time out of your schedule to meet and inspire us. The workshop was well organized and I learned a lot from each of the speakers. This has energized my quest and passion for tax accounting," said one student. "Thank you for the excellent campus outreach program, it was awesome, encouraging and informational. I learned a lot from it and wished it never ended," offered another.

Maurice Agresta, tax counsel for UPS and both a TEI regional vice president and a member of the Institute's Executive Committee, gave an entertaining presentation on how attitude is the key to success in any field, especially in the tax field. "Increasing the number and diversity of professionals in the field is one of TEI's goals. It was an absolute pleasure to participate in this event, which I...

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