Campaign for Human Dignity.

AuthorColotosti, Camille
PositionMichigan civil rights groups join to fight state anti-gay ballot initiative

George Matousek, a northern Michigan fish farmer, wants to make Michigan the next battleground over civil rights for lesbians and gay men. Matousek spearheads a campaign to put an anti-gay initiative on the November 1994 state ballot. Modeled after a 1992 Colorado referendum, the effort would amend the Michigan Constitution, making it impossible for people to claim "protected status based on homosexual, lesbian, or bisexual orientation."

"If we give homos special privileges," Matousek explains, "we'll soon have to give extra rights to overeaters, or alcoholics, or drug addicts, or anyone with a bad habit."

Though circumspect about his financial support, Matousek expects help from organizations that backed the Colorado for Family Values initiative.

Meanwhile, a coalition of groups is forming to combat Matousek's plan - including the Michigan Campaign for Human Dignity, the National Organization for Women, the American...

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