CalCPA reaches membership landmark.


Like any organization, CalCPA's growth during the past 100-plus years to more than 40,000 members has been the result of evolving with the ever-changing needs of our members.

Ca1CPA Milestones

1909: The California State Society of Certified Public Accountants incorporates with 36 members: George R. Webster elected president.

1929: Society's 20th anniversary.

1939: Society drops "State" from name, becoming the California Society of' Certified Public Accountants.

1966: The California Certified Public Accountants Education Foundation begins.

1979: CPA-PAC launched; raised $11,000 in first year.

1995: Litigation Sections were formed.

1996: goes live.

2004: CalCPA Institute formed.

2007: First Young and Emerging Professionals Conkrence held in Leis Angeles and San Francisco. CalCPA reaches 30,000 membership, making it largest CPA society in nation.

2008: CalCPA membership surpasses 32,000.

2012: CalCPA membership surpasses 40,000.

Signing up member 40,000 is Katrina Carrizales, a manager at the Los Angeles office of PwC. (For more on Carrizales, see Page 28.) Carrizales receives a lifetime CalCPA membership, a status reserved for members who reach 40 consecutive years as a dues-paying member.


"There's strength in numbers," commented CalCPA Chair Ed Jordan, "and when you have an association of 40,000 people who want to connect, wonderful things can happen."


Always Looking Ahead

Young and emerging professionals represent the brightest talent and the future of the profession. Whether in public practice or industry. licensed CPAs are known for specialized training, education and knowledge--California's most trusted advisors. But to stay out in front, YEPs need dedicated resources and a strong professional network.

Emerge from the Pack

* Leadership development--Emerging Leaders Certificate Program and Leadership Institute

* Targeted and cost-effective CPE--More than 1,000 live and webcast events

* Networking--Get to know the profession's leaders

* Streamlined, targeted and relevant communications--Daily Clips, BUZZ, YEP Connection and Financial Leadership Forum Advantage

* Leadership in practice Serve on local and statewide boards and committees

YEPs who align with CalCPA's rich history and promising future know what it takes to stay ahead.

For more on CatCPA YEP benefits, go to

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