Bullying bosses bad for business.

PositionManagement - Brief article

Several studies have shown that leadership, more than money, is a top motivator for workers and fosters employee engagement and morale. "Bullying bosses are more than those that spout hate or bias," says Director of Learning Judith Devries of global outplacement firm Challenger, Gray & Christmas, Inc., Chicago, III.

"They can be subtle, using microaggressions to assert their position of power. This can come in the form of taking credit for other people's work, not allowing others to speak, dismissive body language, or it can be as simple as mispronouncing a colleague's or subordinate's name."

There are different types of bad bosses, Devries points out. A "conqueror," for instance, is physically imposing and micromanages and hoards knowledge to keep control. "Performers" typically have low self-esteem, and therefore target others to feel empowered, while "manipulators" work out of self-interest. They threaten and are...

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