Break the Weight Loss Barrier.

AuthorBarrett, Wayne M.

by Jim Meschino and Barry Simon / Prentice Hall, 1998, pp. 278, $19.95

Reviewed by WAYNE M. BARRETT Associate Editor, USA Today

*** A lifestyle change often is spurred by a disturbing moment that makes crystal clear that there is a problem which needs attention. For me, it was the news that two family members, while shopping in a flea market, came across a treasure trove of Russian hockey jerseys. Alas, they didn't buy me any since the vendor only had the sizes large and extra-large. At the time, nothing less than a double-XL would fit over my mass of flesh.

Break The Weight Loss Barrier is not just about losing weight, however. It's a lifetime plan for proper diet and exercise. The authors, a nutritionist (James Meschino) and a psychiatrist (Barry Simon), make a convincing case. Theirs is a wellness plan not merely designed to help readers drop potentially dangerous pounds and feel better about themselves, but to fend off life-crippling diseases as well.

The latter function makes for fascinating reading. It's frightening to learn what foods promote which diseases, but also comforting to hear about those foods that provide the needed nutrients to stave off these illnesses.

To understand and master the mindset of weight loss, though, is why I read this book. Here again, the authors provide the afflicted with any number of effective techniques--from rewording inner conversations to visualization to breathing exercises--that will help them stay away from the donut shop and the...

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