Botox relieves nerve disorders.

PositionNeurology - Medical research - Brief Article

Botox represents one of the most dramatic reversals in modern medicine. Until a decade ago, it was known as a potent biologic toxin responsible for the disease botulism. Today, however, physicians at the Yale Botulinum Program, New Haven, Conn., are expanding its use as a therapeutic agent in order to combat neurological disorders that cause disabling muscle spasms and pain.

Botox has been making a lot of headlines for its use in cosmetic procedures to reduce frown lines and crow's-feet, but, since 2000, it has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration as a treatment for patients with cervical dystonia, a neurological movement disorder characterized by involuntary muscle contractions that force the head and neck into abnormal and sometimes painful positions. In addition to the neck, dystonia can affect the arms and legs. The Yale Botulinum Program also uses Botox to treat blepharospasm, which affects the...

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