Books received.

  1. Ancient Near East

    ALLEN, JAMES P. The Ancient Egyptian Pyramid Texts. Writings from the Ancient World, vol. 23. Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature, 2005. Pp. x + 471. $39.95 (paper).

    ALLEN, LINDSAY. The Persian Empire. Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Press, 2005. Pp. 208, illus. $39.95.

    Archaologische Mitteilungen aus Iran und Turan, vol. 35-36 (2003-2004). Pp. 455, illus.

    ASSMANN, JAN. Death and Salvation in Ancient Egypt. Tr. David Lorton. Ithaca: Cornell Univ. Press, 2005. Pp. xiii + 490. $59.95.

    BACKES, BURKHARD. Das altagyptisches "Zweiwegebuch": Studien zu den Sargtexte-Spruchen 1029-1130. Agyptologische Abhandlungen, vol. 69. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 2005. Pp. xiv + 466, illus. [euro]98.

    BARTON, JOHN, and JULIA BOWEN. The Original Story: God, Israel, and the World. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 2005. Pp. xv + 318. $20 (paper).

    BECHTOLDT, HANS-JOACHIM. Judische deutsche Bibelubersetzungen vom ausgehenden 18. bis zum Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts. Stuttgart: W. Kohlhammer, 2005. Pp. 682. [euro]60.

    BEHNSTEDT, PETER, and MANFRED WOIDICH. Arabische Dialektgeographie: Eine Einfuhrung. Leiden: Brill, 2005. Pp. xviii + 269, maps. $133.

    BEN ZVI, EHUD. Hosea. The Forms of the Old Testament Literature, vol. 21A/1. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 2005. Pp. xiii + 321. $55 (paper).

    BERNHARDSSON, MAGNUS T. Reclaiming a Plundered Past: Archaeology and Nation Building in Modern Iraq. Austin: Univ. of Texas Press, 2005. Pp. xiii + 327, illus. $45.

    BERNHAUER, EDITH. Hathorsaulen und Hathorpfeiler: Altagyptische Architekturelemente vom Neuen Reich bis zur Spatzeit. Philippika: Marburger altertumkundliche Abhandlungen, vol. 8. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 2005. Pp. xv + 134, plates. [euro]48 (paper).

    BODI, DANIEL. The Michal Affair: From Zimri-Lim to the Rabbis. Hebrew Bible Monographs, vol. 3. Sheffield: Sheffield Phoenix Press, 2005. Pp. ix + 169. $42.50.

    BOLSHAKOV, ANDREY O. Studies on Old Kingdom Reliefs and Sculpture in the Hermitage. Agyptologische Abhandlungen, vol. 67. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 2005. Pp. v + 279, plates. [euro]98.

    BONJOUR, GUILLAUME. Elementa linguae copticae: Grammaire inedite du XVIIe siecle. Ed. Sydney H. Aufrere and Nathalie Bosson. Cahiers d'orientalisme, vol. 24. Geneva: Patrick Cramer Editeur, 2005. Pp. ci + 190, plates.

    BRANDT, HARTWIN, and FRANK KOLB. Lycia et Pamphylia: Eine romische Provinz im Sudwesten Kleinasiens. Sonderbande der Antiken Welt. Mainz: Verlag Philipp von Zabern, 2005. Pp. 146, illus. [euro]41.

    BRANT, JO-ANN; CHARLES W. HENDRICK; and CHRIS SHEA LANGE, eds. Ancient Fiction: The Matrix of Early Christian and Jewish Narrative. SBL Symposium Series, vol. 32. Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature, 2005. Pp. xvii + 372. $39.95 (paper).

    BRYCE, TREVOR. The Kingdom of the Hittites. New ed. Oxford: Oxford Univ. Press, 2005. Pp. xix + 554, illus. $55 (paper).

    BURTEA, BOGDAN. Das mandaische Fest der Schalttage: Edition, Ubersetzung und Kommentierung der Handschrift DC 24 Sarh d-paruanaiia. Mandaische Forschungen, vol. 2. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 2005. Pp. ix + 246, CD-ROM. [euro]68.

    CASTEL, GEORGES, and LAURE PANTALACCI. Les cimetieres est ou ouest du mastaba de Khentika. Fouilles de l'IFAO, vol. 52. Cairo: Institut francais d'Archeologie Orientale, 2005. Pp. vi + 584, 45 plates, illus. (paper).

    COHEN, ANDREW C. Death Rituals, Ideology, and the Development of Early Mesopotamian Kingship: Toward a New Understanding of Iraq's Royal Cemetery of Ur. Ancient Magic and Divination, vol. 7. Leiden: Brill-Styx, 2005. Pp. xxi + 244, illus. $178.

    COHEN, MARC C. Poverty and Charity in the Jewish Community of Medieval Egypt. Jews, Christians, and Muslims from the Ancient to the Modern World. Princeton: Princeton Univ. Press, 2005. Pp. ix + 288, illus. $39.50.

    ______. The Voice of the Poor in the Middle Ages: An Anthology of Documents from the Cairo Geniza. Princeton: Princeton Univ. Press, 2005. Pp. xiii + 266, illus. $24.95 (paper).

    COLLINS, JOHN J. The Bible after Babel: Historical Criticism in a Postmodern Age. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 2005. Pp. x + 201. $18 (paper).

    CONTINI, RICCARDO, and CRISTIANO GROTTANELLI, eds. Il saggio Ahiqar: Fortuna e trasformazioni di uno scritto sapienziale: Il testo piu antico e le sue versioni. Brescia: Paideia Editrice, 2005. Pp. 325 (paper).

    CURTIS, JOHN E., and NIGEL TALLIS, eds. Forgotten Empire: The World of Ancient Persia. Berkeley and Los Angeles: Univ. of California Press, 2005. Pp. 272, illus. $49.95.

    CUVIGNY, HELENE. Ostraca de Krokodilo: La correspondence militaire et sa circulation. O.Krok. 1-151. Fouilles de l'IFAO, vol. 51. Cairo: Institut francais d'archeologie orientale, 2005. Pp. xi + 283, plates (paper).

    DE TROYER, KRISTIN, and ARMIN LANGE, eds. Reading the Present in the Qumran Library: The Perception of the Contemporary by Means of Scriptural Interpretations. SBL Symposium Series, vol. 30. Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature, 2005. Pp. viii + 236. $32.95 (paper).

    DUNAND, FRANCOISE; JEAN-LOUIS HEIM; NESSIM HENEIN; and ROGER LICHTENBERG. La necropole de Douch, Oasis de Kharga. II. Tombes 73 a 92. Documents de fouilles de l'IFAO, vol. 45. Cairo: Institut francais d'archaeologie orientale, 2005. Pp. x + 225, illus. (paper).

    DUSINBERRE, ELSPETH R. M. Gordion Seals and Sealings: Individuals and Society. Gordion Special Studies, vol. 3. University Museum Monograph 124. Philadelphia: Univ. of Pennsylvania Museum, 2005. Pp. xv + 179, illus., CD-ROM. $59.95.

    ELLEDGE, C. D. The Bible and the Dead Sea Scrolls. Archaeology and Biblical Studies, vol. 14. Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature, 2005. Pp. xii + 148, illus. $15.95 (paper).

    ENGLUND, ROBERT K., and HANS J. NISSEN. Archaische Verwaltungstexte aus Uruk: Vorderasiatisches Museum II. Archaische Texte aus Uruk, vol. 6. Berlin: Gebr. Mann Verlag, 2005. Pp. 71, plates. [euro]52.

    EXUM, J. CHERYL. Song of Songs. The Old Testament Library. Louisville: Westminster John Knox Press, 2005. Pp. xxiii + 263. $39.95.

    FINE, STEVEN. Art and Judaism in the Greco-Roman World: Toward a New Jewish Archaeology. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 2005. Pp. xvii + 267, illus. $75.

    FISCHER-ELFERT, HANS-WERNER, ed. Papyrus Ebers und die antike Heilkunde. Philippika: Marburger altertumskundliche Abhandlungen, vol. 7. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 2005. Pp. 147, illus. [euro]48 (paper).

    GABOLDE, LUC. Monuments decores en bas relief aux noms de Thoutmosis II et Hatchepsout a Karnak. 2 vols. MIFAO, vol. 123. Cairo: Institut francais d'archeologie orientale, 2005. Pp. vii + 263, 45 plates (paper).

    GANDULLA, BERNARDO. Los Hebreos en el Gran Canaan. Buenos Aires: Editorial Canaan, 2005. Pp. xxii + 245, illus. (paper).

    GANE, ROY. Cult and Character: Purification Offerings, Day of Atonement, and Theodicy. Winona Lake, Ind.: Eisenbrauns, 2005. Pp. xxi + 394. $39.50.

    GELLER, MARKHAM J. Renal and Rectal Disease Texts. Die babylonische-assyrische Medizin in Texten und Untersuchungen, vol. 7. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 2005. Pp. viii + 284, plates.

    GEORGI, DIETER. The City in the Valley: Biblical Interpretation and Urban Theology. SBL Studies in Biblical Literature, vol. 7. Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature, 2005. Pp. xxviii + 370. $34.95 (paper).

    GESTERMANN, LOUISE. Die Uberlieferung ausgewahlter Texte altagyptischer Totenliterature ("Sargtexte") in spatzeitlichen Grabanlagen. 2 vols. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 2005. Pp. xi + 470, vii + 181, illus. [euro]98.

    GRIMM, ALFRED, and HERMANN A. SCHLOGL. Das thebanische Grab Nr. 136 und der Beginn der Amarnazeit. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 2005. Pp. 56, plates. [euro]75.

    GUTERBOCK, HANS G.; HARRY A. HOFFNER; and THEO P. J. VAN DEN HOUT, eds. The Hittite Dictionary of the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago, vol. S, fasc. 2, saptamenzu to -si-. Chicago: The Oriental Institute, Univ. of Chicago, 2005. Pp. 209-332. $25. [Distrib. by David Brown Book Co., Oakville, Conn.]

    HARRAK, AMIR. The Acts of Mar Mari the Apostle. Writings from the Greco-Roman World, vol. 11. Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature, 2005. Pp. xxxvii + 110. $19.95 (paper).

    HARY, BENJAMIN H., and HAGGAI BEN-SHAMMAI, eds. Esoteric and Exoteric Aspects in Judeo-Arabic Culture. Etudes sur le Judaism medieval, vol. 33. Leiden: Brill, 2006. Pp. xi + 338. [euro]90.

    HASSELBACH, REBECCA. Sargonic Akkadian: A Historical and Comparative Study of the Syllabic Texts. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 2005. Pp. xv + 292. [euro]78.

    HEIL, JOHN PAUL. The Rhetorical Role of Scripture in 1 Corinthians. SBL Studies in Biblical Literature, vol. 15. Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature, 2005. Pp. ix + 309. $35.95 (paper).

    HELMER, CHRISTINE, ed. Biblical Interpretation: History, Context, and Reality. SBL Symposium Series, vol. 269. Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature, 2005. Pp. xii + 181. $24.95 (paper).

    HENIGE, DAVID. Historical Evidence and Argument. Madison: Univ. of Wisconsin Press, 2005. Pp. xiii + 325. $45.

    HERZER, JENS. 4 Baruch (Paraleipomena Jeremiou). Writings from the Greco-Roman World, vol. 22. Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature, 2005. Pp. xlii + 212. $29.95 (paper).

    HILL, J. BRETT. Human Ecology in the Wadi al-Hasa: Land Use and Abandonment through the Holocene. Tucson: Univ. of Arizona Press, 2005. Pp. xii + 195, illus. $45.

    HOLBL, GUNTHER. Altagypten im Romischen Reich: Der romische Pharao und seine Tempel III: Heiligtumer und religioses Leben in den agyptischen Wusten und Oasen. Sonderbande der Antiken Welt. Mainz: Verlag Philipp von Zabern, 2005. Pp. 116, illus. [euro]37.90.

    HOVELER-MULLER, MICHAEL. Am Anfang war Agypten: Die Geschichte der pharaonischer Hochkultur von der Fruhzeit bis zum Ende des Neuen Reiches, ca. 4000-1070 v. Chr. Kulturgeschichte der Antiken Welt, vol. 101. Mainz: Verlag Philipp von Zabern, 2005. Pp. 303, illus. [euro]39.90.

    HULL, MICHAEL F. Baptism on Account of the Dead (1 Cor 15:29): An Act of Faith in the Resurrection. Academia Biblica, vol. 22...

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