Book Reviews : L'Ukraine Soviétique dans les Relations Internationales 1918-1923: Étude his torique et juridique. By VASYL MARKUS. (Paris: Les Editions Internation ales, 1959. Pp. 326.)

Date01 December 1961
Published date01 December 1961
AuthorBrownlee Sands Corrin
Subject MatterArticles
compared. The case is then made for the more positive use of the formal and in-
formal powers of the presidential office to &dquo;improve the nation’s record in civil
In a useful chapter entitled &dquo;Affirmation and Restraint,&dquo; Professor Longaker
advocates a change in the traditional posture of the presidency vis-h-vis civil
rights. He urges vigorous presidential action to implement constitutional civil
rights, many of which originally were designed to modify executive power. This
is the dilemma of the American Executive in mid-century. Can the demands
for dynamic forceful leadership in the presidency be accommodated and the
traditional restraints on the strong executive still be maintained?
Professor Longaker assumes the position that there is a need for a transition
from emphasis on the maintainance of liberty through legal restraint to emphasis
on positive executive action if individual liberty is to be extended effectively to
those whose enjoyment of such liberty is presently limited. He identified the con-
stitutional and prerogative imperatives for presidential action in these areas.
He only indirectly attacks the problem of liberty vs. government although an
awareness of it pervades the writing. The demands of the cold war have encour-
aged the executive toward sometimes serious administrative abuses usually under
the heading of loyalty programs. The solution presented for this is &dquo;executive
self-restraint.&dquo; Strong presidents are not prone to such restraint and when given
an assist by a willing Congress the results may be disastrous. What Professor
Longaker advocates is the exercise of restraint by the executive within the admin-
istrative branch in a positive manner and the positive use of his power in the
country-at-large to enforce the law, such as at Little Rock, in a restrained and
reasonable manner. But, by all means, the President must act!
Whether the President will exercise the forceful leadership called for is

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