Book Review: Control and protect: Collaboration, carceral protection, and domestic sex trafficking in the United States

Date01 June 2020
Published date01 June 2020
Subject MatterBook Reviews
The addition of constant and multidimensional scrutiny adds a complicated layer for the youth
who are trying to navigate dynamic barriers that are represented in the school-to-prison pipeline.
In addition to outlining the risks that students face in school, Dr. Flores explores the risks girls
face out in the community and the hazards they face even traveling to school. He discusses the
interpersonal violence, sexual harassment, and the drug use girls are exposed to on the bus—so even
the attempt to go to school and work toward freedom is marred by challenges, victimization, and the
need to navigate through constant danger.
Caught Up examines the lives of girls within the juvenile detention facility, their need for (or
avoidance of) physical altercations, and their experiences within the community school. However,
one aspect that is lacking from the book is a proposal for a better or alternative model. For example,
in one interview, a girl explains how worried she is that she will return to secure detention for a
parole violation because she engaged in drug use over the weekend and will fail her next drug test.
Drug offenses are often the reason for girls’ first contact with the criminal justice system. Flores
explains that the wraparound services put too much attention on youth and when held under the
microscope, they are sure to get “caught up.” However, if the purpose of the services is to prevent
youth from engaging in drug use, what strategies can be employed to help the girls stay clean rather
than punish them for failing to do so? Flores identifies three ways that the girls can maneuver away
from the criminal justice system, but these escape routes do not include a change to the services
provided by the institution. Without suggestions for improvement, the reader is left a little disheart-
ened with the understanding of a broken system but not pointed in the direction of how to fix it.
Additionally, at the end of the book, the author claims that the experiences detailed in the book
can apply to male youth inside the school and detention as well. This is akin to the “add girls and
stir” critique most feminist scholars reject but in the opposite direction. The major strength of this
book is its focus on girls and their experiences. It is nothing less for not including boys.
All in all, Caught Up offers an interesting and provocative discussion of primarily Latina youth
who are justice involved and caught in the school-to-prison pipeline. While it reads like a disserta-
tion, it is extremely well researched, organized, and thorough. The added sections on methodology
are helpful for anyone who is interested in ethnographic research and offer an exceptionally well-
designed study. It truly contribute s to the literature on the intersecti on of race, socioeconomic
standing, gender, and crime and could be a valuable addition to a juvenile justice and/or gender
studies class.
Musto, J. (2016).
Control and protect: Collaboration, carceral protection, and domestic sex trafficking in the United States. Oakland,
CA: University of California Press. 229 pp. $34.95, ISBN 978-0-52028-196-7.
Reviewed by: Brooke Miller Gialopsos, Mount St. Joseph University, Cincinnati, OH, USA
DOI: 10.1177/0734016818788919
In her book, Control and Protect, Jennifer Musto offers an innovative glimpse into sex trafficking in
America. However, rather than narrowly focusing on the causes of sex trafficking, the mechanisms
of exploitation employed by offenders or the unrelenting emotional effects of this form of sexual
violence, Musto explores the parado x behind our country’s response to an d treatment of these
victims. As she repeatedly points out, despite calling them “victims” and designing legislation and
interventions to help them, we treat these victims more as offenders and subject them to a widening
net of carceral protections. This net, though speckled with virtuous intentions, is causing additional
harms and lingering punitive hoops for victims to jump through.
268 Criminal Justice Review 45(2)

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