Bioterror preparedness said lacking.

AuthorMagnuson, Stew
PositionSECURITY BEAT: Homeland Defense Briefs

Efforts by federal and state governments to prepare for public health catastrophes, such as biological attacks and pandemics, have fallen short, according to a report issued by the Trust For America's Health, a nonpartisan advocacy group.

"Four years after Sept. 11, 2001, there is still little consensus about priorities and objectives for bioterrorism preparedness programs," the third annual "Ready or Not?" report said. A survey of 20 public health experts gave the federal efforts a D+ grade.

More funding to upgrade public health disaster infrastructures is needed, along with heightened efforts to ensure the funds are spent efficiently and effectively, the report said.

"There are no defined, standardized measures for bioterrorism preparedness from the [Centers for Disease Control] or regular reports of progress and vulnerabilities to the American people or Congress," the report...

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