A better night's sleep for expectant mothers.

PositionPregnancy - Medical guidelines

Pregnant women frequently suffer months of discomfort as they shift about in an attempt to find a comfortable sleeping position. Add in other disturbances such as nausea, heartburn, leg cramps, frequent visits to the bathroom, or even snoring, and a woman can be headed for a restless nine months. According to the National Sleep Foundation, 78% of women reported more disturbed sleep during pregnancy than at other times.

"Each trimester brings a new set of sleep obstacles, mostly due to hormonal fluctuations and physical discomfort," explains Joan Shaver, dean of the College of Nursing, University of Illinois at Chicago. "An expectant mother may need to make changes in her sleeping routine to accommodate her changing body. Even using a different type of bed may help."

Tips for a better night's sleep during pregnancy include:

Learn to sleep on your left side. It maximizes the flow of nutrients to the placenta; reduces the chances of low blood pressure, impaired breathing, indigestion, and hemorrhoids; helps the kidneys work better; and cuts down on swelling of the ankles, feet, and hands.

Choose pillows that support the entire body. Later in pregnancy, due to additional weight, lying down can cause uncomfortable pressure-point pain, especially...

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