Best Program for Each Decade of Life.

We all know being physically active is beneficial, even if we do not heed the advice. Yet, we may not always be clear about the best way to stay active as we age. Not all exercise programs are fitting for all people.

"As we age, we can do forms of the same exercise routine, but it should be adjusted depending on what our bodies need for that decade in our life," explains Jennifer Scherer, owner of Fredericksburg (Va.) Fitness Studio. "A high-impact jumping workout in your 30s may not affect your joints like it would in your 60s. However, that does not mean someone in their 60s can't do high-intensity workouts."

Not only does regular physical activity help prevent health problems, it will help keep people more mobile and able to do daily activities as they age. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that adults get at least 150 minutes per week of moderate-intensity exercise (i.e., brisk walking) and two days per week of strength training.

Scherer explains that most workouts can be scaled up or down depending on the individual. A 20-year-old and a 70-year-old can do the same workout as long as modifications and adjustments are made to fit the individual's needs for that session.

Here is the best exercise program for each decade of life:

* 20s and 30s. "Include high-impact, high-intensity interval training; strength training; core; flexibility...

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