The beauty of local: your move to Microsoft Business Solutions.

How much support do you need? Three hours? Three days? Three weeks?

Making a change is always tricky. You'd be crazy not to ask yourself what you're getting into. Making the switch to new technology that has the power to ultimately change how you do business is no different.

You know the questions that pop up. We all do. What will things look like? Are we making a mistake we're going to regret? What if things look worse rather than better after we switch? Then what?

So what does it look like exactly to move to Microsoft Business Solutions? It depends more on where you are now than where you want to be in the future. It will be more intense for a company that manages receivables on a legal pad, for example, than for one with an existing accounting system.

But no matter where you are on the spectrum, there's one thing that's true for everyone: When you choose technology built by Microsoft Business Solutions, you're not a lone. Think about what you really, expect from technology--what you want to achieve--and ask hard questions. We'll answer.

Our technology is delivered to you via a worldwide channel of business partners. With 4,500 of them, chances are very good that there's at least one very close to you--with answers. Our business partners offer you consultation, a wealth of experience and expertise, training and on-site support.

How much support do you need? Three hours? Three days? Three weeks? You decide. Unlike huge consultancies, you don't have to sign a contract

Microsoft Business Solutions partners are Microsoft solution certified. Thanks to rigorous training and testing requirements, they understand Microsoft Business Solutions inside-out. For you, this means access to local expertise about what technologies are most compatible for the future of your business.

How does it all work for you? First, as a consultant to your business, a Microsoft Business Solutions partner gets to know your business. By learning what your processes and procedures...

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