Be the boss of your bikini body.

PositionVacation Workouts

"Here you are kicking butt on your program, finally starting to see some progress you can feel good about when ... bam ... the reality that you leave for summer vacation in a week smacks you right in the face. What will you do for food? How will you get your workouts--and the alcohol--in? It's going to be impossible to stay on track--so you think, anyway," says Theresa Depasquale, founder of Bikini Boss Fitness and author of Boss to Bikini: The Program That's Getting the World's Busiest Women into Ridiculous Shape.

"Although 'losing weight' may be unrealistic on vacation, there are a lot of things you can do which will, at the very least, help you maintain your progress so you really can hit the ground running when you return home."

Follow these tips for surviving summer vacation (and, actually, any vacation):

Consistency, not perfection. "Although you would like to pretend you're going to keep up with your diet and avoid alcohol on this trip, we both know that's not the case. The surest way to fail is to set unrealistic expectations for yourself to begin with. You're not going to be perfect on this vacation--and that's okay. The last thing you should be doing is stressing so much about your diet and fitness that you aren't living in the moment and miss out on half of the fun. Remember, you can get back into your routine 100% at home."

Something is better than nothing. "So what if you can't get in a 60-minute workout...

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