Baker, Raymond William. Islam Without Feat: Egypt and the New Islamists.

PositionBook Review

Baker, Raymond William. Islam Without Feat: Egypt and the New Islamists. Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press, 2003. Hardcover $29.95.

Baker argues that the New Islamists are the best bet for Egypt to get out of its deep political, social and economic crisis. The Wassatteyya (centrist) trend that the New Islamists represent allows them to bring forth an interpretation of the Qur'an and Shari'a that accepts modernity.

Baker discusses thoroughly the New Islamist views on culture, society and politics. He shows how the Wassatteyya trend of Islam has no fear of the West or modernity contrary to the Islam with fear that the extremists follow. The Wassatteyya of the New Islamists allows for ijtihad (interpretation of the sacred texts), something that the extremists do not allow. Baker depicts the extremist views as the mirror image of the simplistic "good versus evil" views of the Bush II Administration. The New Islamists accept multiple interpretations of the Qur'an and Shari'a. Consequently, they accept multiple views on culture, society and politics. They are pacifists and gradualists. They condemn violence and opt for reform. They also believe that non-Muslims have...

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