A Baca in every cellblock.

PositionLetters to the Editor

Thanks so much for the Jimmy Santiago Baca interview (January issue). It is spiritual soldiers like him who give acolytes like me hope.

There are a slew of convicts like myself who are soon to be ex-convicts. Some of us sat around in this sludge long enough to hatch an original thought or two. Like our Ph.D. peers, our job is to carry the torches of our predecessors. I don't need no stinkin' suit; just give me any clothes other than khaki.

Love and laughter can come from the unlikeliest places. If there is a Baca in every cellblock, then we've got a chance to make a move on peace and justice.

Bruce Reilly Cranston, Rhode Island Why The Progressive would regard Jimmy Santiago Baca as someone worth interviewing is way beyond logic or decency in my judgment.

As a Protestant chaplain for nearly thirty years in...

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