B. The Hearing

JurisdictionNew York

B. The Hearing

The hearing is a bifurcated procedure. The People have the burden of going forward to show the nonsuggestiveness of the identification procedure.319 The defense then has the burden of showing by a preponderance of the evidence that the procedure was unduly suggestive. Evidence of an unnecessarily suggestive identification violates due process and must be excluded.320

Where the accused fails to show that the identification procedure was unduly suggestive, the hearing is concluded and evidence of the identification procedure will be admitted at trial.

If the accused meets this burden, evidence of the pretrial identification (show-up or lineup) will not be admitted, and the court must then determine whether the suggestiveness of the identification procedure will taint the in-court identification of the accused.321 At this second part of the hearing, the People have the burden of showing an independent source for the identification by clear and convincing evidence.322

The court will examine all the factors surrounding the identification procedure to determine whether the in-court identification is a product of this tainted identification or is based upon an independent source. The independent source is usually derived from the witness's viewing of the perpetrator during the commission of the offense;323 it may also be based upon a prior...

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