At the movies: the end of soggy popcorn?

PositionQ&A - Brief article

Mitchell Duffy, 16, a junior at Inglemoor High School in Kenmore, Wash., takes his popcorn seriously. He's invented the "Butter Blaster," a device that evenly disperses butter throughout an entire bucket of concession-stand popcorn. Duffy, who has applied for a patent, spoke to Upfront about his invention.

(Q) What's the Butter Blaster made of?

(A) Right now it's a stainless steel, eighth-of-an-inch diameter tube with some holes in it and one end soldered shut to increase the pressure.

(Q) What's your goal with it?

(A) To get it into the theaters and ... get it licensed.

(Q) Why is "butter-blasted" popcorn better?

(A) It just tastes better. I don't like having soggy popcorn and dry popcorn in the same bucket.

(Q) Do you worry that you're promoting unhealthy food?

(A) I think popcorn is a treat, and...

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