Association for Enterprise Integration: people--process--technology--information.


The Association for Enterprise Integration (AFEI) is the industry association contributing to understanding the challenges, opportunities and benefits associated with information sharing across and within the extended enterprise.

Corporations, universities, government agencies and individuals join AFEI to:

* Benefit from the networking opportunities.

* Help shape future requirements, strategy and policy.

* Learn about technologies, products and methods that can enhance organizational performance.

* Stay abreast of developments in policy, programs and initiatives that will impact their markets and business relationships.

* Demonstrate their thought-leadership contributions to enterprise integration.

The AFEI Mission and Goals

The AFEI mission is to:

* Provide collaboration opportunities amongst industry, academia and government on an unbiased and open basis.

* Represent neutral and objective industry positions and recommendations on net-centricity issues through forums, working groups and committees.

* Create opportunities for learning and networking through conferences and symposia deliberately designed to bring previously unconnected communities with common issues together to develop synergy and shared experiences.

The goals of the association are to promote the network-enabled and information-sharing enterprise through the development and evolution of:

People. Manage culture and change--the most difficult and important of all.

Process. Streamline and transform not just methods, but how we think about our problems.

Technology. Connect data with users through interoperable, open standards and architectures.

Information. Promote information sharing through a common language of business, ontology and taxonomy, metadata repositories and reuse, service-oriented, process-oriented and event-driven architectures, semantic interoperability and standardization. AFEI engages government and industry in collaborations push the current state of information sharing.

Working Groups

AFEI Working Groups were formed in July...

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