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PositionMarketing News - Brief Article

What was it about the mom and pop grocery store on the corner that makes us all nostalgic for the good old days? It wasn't the store, certainly. There was no air conditioning, not much product selection and the produce often suffered from spending days unrefrigerated in the open air.

No, the appeal of the mom and pop store was probably. . . mom and pop.

They smiled, they knew your name, and they might even throw in an extra banana if you caught them on a good day. More than that, they knew what you liked because they listened when you told them.

Listening to the customer! What a concept! If a person could bottle that stuff, he could make some real money.

Commerce Bank, a $10 billion bank based in Kansas City, has a strong presence with hundreds of branches and ATM locations in its territory (Kansas, Missouri and western Illinois), but it wanted to develop a brand name--an image that could apply across the board to all its business lines. With the help of its ad agency, Bernstein-Rein Advertising Inc. of Kansas City, the bank developed a promotional campaign based on...

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