Ask FERF (financial executives research foundation) about ... healthcare plans and costs.

AuthorSinnett, William M.

The article on page 50, contributed by Financial Executives Research Foundation (FERF), discusses possible cures for rising healthcare costs at privately held companies. Of course, the issue of spiralling healthcare expenses has become a migraine for companies of all sizes, as the panoply of costs associated with managed care and prescription drug benefits keep soaring.

What are these healthcare costs, by how much are they increasing and why do they continue to rise at such an accelerated rate, compared to most other costs in the greater economy?

Here are some useful and credible sources of further information:

Grant Thornton LLP

Eric Parmenter, Grant Thornton's practice leader for compensation and benefits consulting, has written a white paper titled, "Health Care Benefit Crisis: Cost Drivers and Strategic Solutions." A free copy can be downloaded from the Grant Thornton Web site:

The National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB)

Healthcare is one of the National Agenda issues on the NFIB home page ( Clicking on "Health Care" opens an entire portal of useful information, including descriptions and discussions of:

* Association Health Plans (AHPs)

* Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs)

* Health Savings Accounts (HSAs)

* Medical Liability Reform

* Tax Credits for Health Care Costs

There is also a link to download a free copy of NFIB's white paper titled:

"Cost Versus Value--Choice Versus Change: Small Business Owners Consider the Future of Health Care." This white paper discusses small business's unique healthcare perspective and options.

In addition, the NFIB home page has a link to Tools & Tips. Click on "Compensation and Benefits," and then "Benefits," and there are links to a number of useful white papers, including:

* What is an HSA?

* HSA Accounts Let Small-Business Owners Save Money Without Skimping on Benefits

* Practical Steps to Minimize HIPAA Obligations and Costs

* HRAs Provide Welcome Glimpse of Health-Care Relief

* How to Navigate NFIB's Health Care Offerings.

The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation 2003 Annual Employer Health Benefits Survey

This report provides the results of a survey of over 2,800 randomly selected public and private employers, ranging in size from small enterprises to large corporations.

Here are some of the survey highlights:

* In 2003, premiums increased 13.9 percent over 2002, the seventh straight year of increases and the...

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