As they see it.

PositionCongressional representatives and senators on various issues

"It's the wild, wild West right now out there in terms of these cameras."

--Iowa Representative Joshua Byrnes (R) on a bill that would cap fines on traffic tickets issued by cities' automated cameras, in the Des Moines Register.

"I believe, truly, if Obama had not touched it, we wouldn't even be here today. I think it is because so many people have fear of federal intrusion in their lives, especially in education."

--Indiana Representative Robert Behning (R), after Indiana became the first state to opt out of the Common Core educational standards, in the Indianapolis Star.

"Raising the minimum wage helps people who need it most, is good for the economy and is the right thing to do."

--Connecticut House Speaker Brendan Sharkey (D) after lawmakers raised the state's minimum hourly wage to $10.10, the highest in the country, as reported by Reuters.

"These are critical steps. We also have to recognize that these are just first steps, second steps, and third steps."

--Massachusetts Senator John Keenan (D) after Governor Deval Patrick declared opiate abuse a public health emergency and directed emergency personnel to carry naloxone, a drug that can...

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