As they see it.

"This should go down in history. Today, the government did the right thing."

--Delaware Senator Karen F. Peterson in The News Journal on the plan for county, state and federal agencies to buy more than 75 percent of a 194-home community ravaged by flash floods in September.

"There is no substitute for knocking on the door of a legislator's office. People forget that politics is about relationships."

--Assemblyman Darrell Steinberg in The Sacramento Bee on Governor-elect Arnold Schwarzenegger.

"It was everywhere in on cars, people. It's just a huge cleanup job. You can't imagine."

--Frank Kane of the Pennsylvania Department of General Services in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette on cleaning up the droppings of a thousand crows that descend upon the Capitol every November.

"The problem, at bottom, is the inability of the federal government to enforce existing immigration policy, and its refusal to reform it. The states are simply stuck with the unhappy result."

--Syndicated columnist William Raspberry in the Washington Post about a bill approved by the Virginia legislature to deny illegal immigrants in-state tuition.

"Billy is going to be inclusive in his leadership style. He is honest, moral and straightforward."

--Mississippi Republican Representative John Reeves in the...

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