Arts & culture in Utah's economy.

PositionAround Utah Facts - Brief article

$729.6 BILLION

The arts and cultural sector contributed $729.6 billion or 4.2 percent to the U.S. economy in 2014. In Utah, it accounts for 3.9 percent of the total state compensation and 3.9 percent of total state employment.


Between 1998 and 2013, the (inflation-adjusted) value of arts and cultural production grew by $165 billion, or 32.5 percent.

NO. 1

Utah is ranked No. 1 in the United States in attendance at live music, theater and dance performances

Percent of U.S. Adults Who Attend Live Music, Theater, or Dance Performances by State, 2015 Utah 51% Vermont 44.8% Colorado 44.4% Wyoming 42.7% Connecticut 42% NO. 2

Utah is ranked No. 2 in the United States in attendance at art exhibitions

Percent of U.S. Adults Who Attend Art Exhibits by State, 2015 Vermont 35.6% Utah 33.9% Colorado 30.1% Virginia 28.7% Oregon 27.2% NO. 3

Utah is ranked No. 3 in the country in creative employment growth, at a rate of 4.01 percent. The U.S. average was 1.3 percent growth.

NO. 5

Utah is ranked No. 5 in the country in concentration of per capita arts & cultural employment with a...

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