Arms wrestling. .

PositionLetter to the Editor

Dave Marash's article ("Saddam's Serb Supplier," March)does a good job uncovering the arms-trade connection between Serbia and Saddam Hussein.

As for the Bush administration's lack of interest in the Balkans, this phenomenon can be explained by the fact that the special interests who influence the White House have no stake in the Balkans, as opposed to the forces that dominated the Clinton administration's agenda. Unfortunately, the common interest is on no one's agenda.

NICK GATSOULIS New York, N.Y. After reading the article by Dave Marash, I can only feel anger and dismay at the E.U. for pushing Croatia into the SAA Stability and Association Agreement, which obliges Croatia to open its borders and make all kinds of association agreements with these former Yugoslavian republics, with which Croatia never...

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