Are workouts best remedy?


Exercise decreases the risk of coronary heart disease, stroke, and the susceptibility to various cancers; lowers blood pressure; improves metabolism; reduces complications related to diabetes; assists in the maintenance of bone density; and improves the immune system. However, did you know that exercise also is good for the head? Psychologists have found that it can be a successful alternative to medication or psychotherapy in the treatment of depression, report researchers at Duke University, Durham, N.C.

In fact:

* Exercise is a beneficial antidepressant both immediately and over the long term.

* Although exercise has decreased depression among all populations studied, it especially is effective for the most physically or psychologically unhealthy at the start of the workout program.

* While exercise significantly lessens depression across all age categories, the older that people are, the greater the decrease.

* Exercise is an equally effective antidepressant for men and women.

* The longer the exercise program and the more total sessions, the greater the decrease in depression.

* There is no one form of exercise guaranteed to lift depression. For many, walking, running, or swimming is helpful, but others value yoga and some feel emotionally as well as physically strengthened by weight lifting. This is an opportunity...

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