PositionBrief Article - Interview

Rep. Jeff Alexander, owner and president of Alexander's Digital Printing

NO There is no question that Utah has a public education paradox. With our focus on families, we have more children to educate per taxpayer than any other state. And while we may be near the bottom in per-pupil expenditures, we are third in the nation in percentage of taxpayer income spent on education.

In the past eight years, student test scores in Utah improved every year. Funding is up by 85 percent, while the number of students has increased only 4.7 percent in that same time. And while we have been reducing the number of students per classroom, more than 1,700 additional teachers have been hired. Utah has been among the top five states in the nation in increasing teacher salaries in the past eight years -- and almost 100 schools have been built or completely remodeled during that period of supposed lack of leadership. In addition, the per-pupil expenditure for textbooks has risen from $95 to $150 per year.

The legislature cannot and should not be a "super school board"...

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