Are poor children maltreated children?

PositionUnderprivileged Kids - Brief article

The U.S. has the second-highest rate of relative child poverty among economically developed nations. WalletHub, a personal finance website, conducted an analysis of 2015's Best & Worst States for Underprivileged Children.

In order to assess the living and economic conditions of young people across the nation, WalletHub compared the 50 U.S. states and the District of Columbia In terms of 15 key metrics, ranging from Infant death rates to child food-insecurity rates to the percentage of maltreated children.

The 10 best states are, in order, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Minnesota, Connecticut, North Dakota, Wisconsin, Utah, Iowa, Massachusetts, and Virginia.

The 10 worst, starting at the bottom, are District of Columbia, Mississippi, Arizona, Georgia, New Mexico, Louisiana, Florida, South Carolina, Arkansas, and Alabama.

The statistics indicate that:

* The District of Columbia's child food-insecurity rate is three times as high as North Dakota's.

* Mississippi's infant mortality rate...

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