Are online classes a good idea? A million American students are now taking online courses.



Some people think online courses are a low-cost, low-quality alternative to "real" classroom learning, but high-quality online courses offer high school students a wide range of experiences they could never get in traditional classrooms.

Most high schools can't offer courses like Mandarin Chinese, criminal law, pre-veterinary medicine, or environmental engineering. But high school students can take these courses online and get a jump on college or a career.

Most high schools don't have the resources to teach Advanced Placement classes in less popular subjects like physics and art history, but online courses are available to any interested student.


Most high schools have local teachers and students with similar backgrounds and points of view, but online classes enable students and teachers from big cities, small towns, and remote areas around the world to interact, broadening their perspectives.

Online courses allow students to adapt their schoolwork to their individual schedules and learning styles. Students at risk of dropping out may be able to stay in school if they have the flexibility to schedule online learning around work, child care, sports, and other commitments. And students who don't do well in traditional classes may thrive in an online environment, where they can work at their own pace or take time to compose their ideas and comments.

High-quality online courses can also help students develop the technology skills necessary for success in the 21st century. That's why all high school students should have the chance to take at least one online course before they graduate.


President, Virtual High School


Wii games are fun and interactive. No one would suggest, however, that being an ace tennis star on Wii translates into being a star on the tennis court. The road from Wii to Wimbledon requires hitting a real tennis ball with a real tennis racket. That's why online classes, especially as a...

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