Arbitrating commercial disputes

AuthorStewart Edelstein
Commercial disputes often arise out of claims of breach of a written
agreement that includes an arbitration clause. By such a clause, the par-
ties agree in advance t hat if a dispute arises regarding performance of
that agreement, they will arbitrate rather than litigate it. Accordingly,
when taking on a new matt er, determine whether t he parties have agreed
to arbitration, and proceed accordingly.
Not all arbitration clauses are ali ke, and the exact wording is crucial
in determining the scope of and procedures for arbitration. Th is chap-
ter discusses the advantages and disadvantages of arbitration, how to
review an arbitration clause, the is sue of arbitrability, waiver of the right
to arbitrate, how to select an arbitrator, strategies for the arbitration
process, and post-arbitration award procedu res.
This discussion assumes that the Com mercial Arbitration Rules of
the American A rbitration Association (AA A) apply (referred to as R-___),
because most commercial contracts with arbitration clauses so provide.
The rules in effect when filing t he demand for arbitration govern. R-1(a).
Go to for the most recent version. Note that these rules pro-
vide that, by written ag reement, the parties can vary them. R-1(a). The
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AA A has separate rules for disputes involving claims of at least $500,000,
employment claims, construction claims, securities claims, consumer
claims, and patent claims. In rev iewing the arbitration clause in con nec-
tio n wit h an y di spute , be s ure to ta ke not e of w hich arbi trat ion r ule s appl y.
Be aware that parties ca n agree in writing to arbitrate a dispute
even after a dispute arises, without any pre-existing arbitration contract
clause. So don’t rule out the possibility of arbitration in that circum-
stance. If you can reach agreement wit h opposing counsel, someti mes it
is possible to change venue to an entirely different legal system.
If you draft an a rbitration agreement, ask yourself these questions:
1. Unrestricted submission (arbitrator renders an award on all dis-
putes) or limited submission of disputes to arbitration?
2. Any conditions precedent to arbitration, such as non-bindi ng
negotiat ion or mediation?
3. Panel of one or three arbitrators?
4. Any specific qua lifications of the arbitrators required?
5. What rules govern t he arbitration process, A AA rules or
otherw ise?
© P.C. Vey/The New Yorker Colle ction/Conde Nas t
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