Application hosting: a strategy for outsourcing financial systems.


The GFOA Research and Consulting Center was recently retained by a large city to assist in the task of helping outsource its enterprise resource planning system. The city faced a dilemma that is becoming all too common in the public sector. After implementing a new $25 million system just a few years ago and enduring multiple upgrades since then, the city has not fully realized the benefits the system can provide. This article describes the business drivers motivating the outsourcing of financial systems and describes GFOA's role in helping the city procure the right solution.


One of the major barriers facing governments in acquiring ERP systems is the significant staffing required to maintain the system on an ongoing basis. Many GFOA members are surprised to learn that while new systems provide many benefits, they also require specialized skill sets. These skill sets (e.g., programming skills using an ERP software product's built-in toolset) are in high demand in the commercial marketplace, leaving governments unable to respond because of rigidities in public sector pay scales. Governments that attempt to build a system support organization in-house may also find that the scale of the effort does not justify fulltime staffing. These factors have led governments to examine application hosting and application management using external service providers.

The city felt that its IT staff could better serve its customers if it acted as an internal business process consulting group to help departments make better use of the ERP system. This type of a role would also reduce the amount of customization in future software upgrades because the IT staff could help departments reengineer to the embedded processes in the software. IT staff would also be able to provide greater assistance to the end user community and to educate them on how to use the functionality in the software more effectively. The constant barrage of upgrade releases and bug patches and fixes prevented IT from fulfilling this "internal consultant" vision.

To break this cycle, the city chose to explore an outsourcing arrangement in which the ERP software would reside on hardware at an external hosting location. The hosting firm would be responsible for all system maintenance-upgrades, bugs, patches, help desk support, and training. Since the field of applications hosting is still in its infancy-especially in the public sector-the city engaged GFOA's Research and...

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