Appendix I. In Re Heller

AuthorSeymour Goldberg
ProfessionSenior partner in the law firm of Goldberg & Goldberg, PC in Woodbury, New York
(6 N.Y.3D 649; 849 N.E.2D
262; 816 N.Y.S.2D 403)
MAY 4, 2006
Summary of In re Heller, a New York Court of Appeals Case Regarding
Unitrust Trusts
In re Heller resolves the issues of whether an interested trustee is pro-
hibited from making a trust a unitrust, and whether a trustee may apply a
unitrust election retroactively. In In re Heller, the appellant sought to have
a retroactive unitrust election annulled. The trustees made the unitrust
election in March 2003 and applied it retroactively to January 1, 2002,
the date on which unitrust provision [for this trust] became effective. The
appellant argued that the trustees were prohibited from making the trust
a unitrust because of their status as interested trustees. The appellant
also argued that the unitrust election could not be applied retroactively
to the effective date of the unitrust provision [for this trust]. The New
York Court of Appeals afrmed the Appellate Division’s ruling that an
interested trustee is not prohibited simply by his status as an interested
trustee from making a trust a unitrust and that a trustee may choose to
apply the unitrust election retroactively to the effective date of the uni-
trust provision [for this trust].
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