Appendix C: USAM Chapter 9-28.000 Principles of Federal Prosecution of Business Organizations

AuthorMiriam Weismann
A C
9-28.100 Duties of Federal Prosecutors and Duties of Corporate Leaders
9-28.200 General Considerations of Corporate Liability
9-28.300 Factors to Be Considered
9-28.400 Special Policy Concerns
9-28.500 Pervasiveness of Wrongdoing Within the Corporation
9-28.600 e Corporation’s Past History
9-28.700 e Value of Cooperation
9-28.710 Attorney-Client and Work Product Protections
9-28.720 Cooperation: Disclosing the Relevant Facts
9-28.730 Obstructing the Investigation
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202 USAM Chapter 9-28.000
9-28.740 O ering Cooperation: No Entitlement to Immunity
9-28.750 Qualifying for Immunity, Amnesty, or Reduced Sanctions  rough Volun-
tary Disclosures
9-28.760 Oversight Concerning Demands for Waivers of Attorney-Client Privilege
or Work Product By Corporations Contrary to  is Policy
9-28.800 Corporate Compliance Programs
9-28.900 Restitution and Remediation
9-28.1000 Collateral Consequences
9-28.1100 Other Civil or Regulatory Alternatives
9-28.1200 Selecting Charges
9-28.1300 Plea Agreements with Corporations
-8.100 Duties of Federal Prosecutors and Duties of Corporate
The prosecution of corporate crime is a hig h priority for the Department of Justice.
By investigating al legations of wrongdoing and by bringing charges where appropri-
ate for criminal mi sconduct, the Department promotes critical publ ic interests. These
interests include, to take just a few exa mples: () protecting the integr ity of our free
economic and capital markets; () protecting consumers , investors, and business enti-
ties that compete only t hrough lawful means; a nd () protecting the American people
from misconduct that would v iolate criminal laws safegu arding the environment.
In this regard, federa l prosecutors and corporate leaders typically sha re com-
mon goals. For example, direc tors and officers owe a fiduciary duty to a c orporation’s
shareholders, the corporation’s true owners, and t hey owe duties of honest dealing to
the investing public i n connection with the corporation’s regulatory f ilings and pub-
lic statements. The faith ful execution of these duties by corporate leadership ser ves
the same values i n promoting public trust and confidence t hat our criminal cases a re
designed to serve.
A prosecutor’s duty to enforce the law requires the investigation and prosec u-
tion of criminal w rongdoing if it is discovered. In ca rrying out this mission with t he
diligence and resolve neces sary to vindicate the impor tant public interests discussed
above, prosecutors should be mindful of the common caus e we share with respon-
sible corporate leaders. Prosecutors should als o be mindful that conf idence in the
Department is af fected both by the results we ach ieve and by the real and perceived
ways in which we achieve them. Thus, t he manner in which we do our job as prose-
cutors—including the professional ism we demonstrate, our willin gness to secure the
facts in a manner t hat encourages corporate compliance and self-regulation, and a lso
our appreciation that corporate prosecutions ca n potentially harm blameless inves-
tors, employees, and others—af fects public perception of our mission. Federal prose-
cutors recognize t hat they must maintain public confidence i n the way in which they
exercise their charg ing discretion. This endeavor requires the thoug htful ana lysis of
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