Appendix B Will of John Pourback

LibraryAlzheimer's and the Practice of Law: Counseling Clients with Dementia and Their Families (ABA) (2013 Ed.)

Appendix B Will of John Pourback

I, JOHN POURBACK, a resident of Kane County, Illinois, revoke any prior wills and codicils made by me and declare this to be my Will.

Article One
Family Information

I am married to my beloved spouse, JANE POURBACK. We were married on February 1, 1965.

I have two children. Their names and dates of birth are:

JIMMY JOHN POURBACK, born on March 1, 1970;
BILLY BOB POURBACK, born on April 1, 1975; and

All references in my will to "my children" are references to these children.

Article Two
Distribution of My Property

Section 2.01 Disposition of Tangible Personal Property

I direct that my Executor shall distribute my tangible personal possessions according to a separate "Personal Property Memorandum" or other similar writing, which shall be signed by me and kept with my personal records. It is my intent that such writing qualifies to distribute my tangible personal possessions under applicable state law. If such writing is not found at the time of my death, or ruled an improper disposition, this bequest shall lapse and my tangible personal possessions shall become part of my living trust. If any items of tangible personal property I happen to own are not mentioned in such list, such items shall become part of my living trust. If any such gift shall lapse, then such items shall become part of my living trust.

Section 2.02 Pour-Over to My Living Trust

Except to the extent my Executor establishes and funds a testamentary trust as provided in Section 2.03, all of my probate estate, excluding any property over which I might have a power of appointment, and after payment of expenses and taxes which are paid pursuant to this will, I give to the then acting Trustee of the JOHN POURBACK LIVING TRUST dated JANUARY 01, 2007 and executed prior to this will, to be added to the property of that trust. I direct that the Trustee administer the property as provided in the trust agreement and any amendments prior to my death.

Section 2.03 Establish and Fund Testamentary Trusts

I authorize my Executor to establish, with the assets of my probate estate, if any, or with any property distributed to my personal representative from my Trustee, testamentary trusts for the benefit of my beneficiaries under the same terms and conditions of my revocable living trust as it exists at the date of my death. I appoint the Trustee and successor Trustees named in my revocable living trust as the Trustee and successor Trustee of my testamentary trusts. The Trustee of my testamentary trusts shall have all the administrative and investment powers given to my Trustee in my revocable living trust and any other powers granted by law.

My Trustee is...

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