Appendix B Check List: Making a Lien Against Private Property Enforceable

LibraryTurner on Illinois Mechanics Liens (2016 Ed.)

A. Gathering Information

1. Obtaining the latest legal description of the real estate
a. in Cook County
b. in other counties
2. Obtaining the names and addresses of:
a. the owner of record
b. the mortgagees
c. the architect
d. the construction manager
e. the superintendent
3. Obtain evidence of the last day of work from the client. Preferably this should be evidence of delivery, job logs, or time records. Personal diaries of workers will also serve.
4. Condominiums: Calculate the allocation of the value of the work among the units. In most cases, this is not as hard as it may seem. Most buildings will have a few different layouts of apartments. In preparing its bid, the client most likely calculated the amount of work and material for each different layout. The costs of the common areas can be allocated by the percentage interests of the owners in the common elements.

B. Preparing and Serving a Notice of Claim under Section 24 of the Act

1. Relying on the Statutory

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