Appendix 5: Executive Order 11514: Protection and Enhancement of Environmental Quality, as Amended by Executive Order 11991

AuthorNicholas C. Yost
Executive Order 11514, Protection and Enhancement of Environmental Quality Page 69
Executive Order 11514
Protection and Enhancement of
Environmental Quality
3 C.F.R. 902 (1966-70); as amended by
Executive Order 11991, 3 C.F.R. 123
By virtue of the authority veste d in me as President of
the United States and in fur therance of the purpose
and policy of the National Env ironmental Policy Act
of 1969 (Public Law No. 91-190, approved January 1,
1970), it is ordered as follows:
SECTION 1. Policy. e Federal Government sha ll
provide leadership in protecting a nd enhancing the
quality of the Nation’s environment to sustain and
enrich human life. Feder al agencies shall initiate
measures needed to di rect their policies, plans and
programs so as to meet nat ional environmenta l goals.
e Council on Environmental Qu ality, through the
Chairman, sha ll advise and assist the President in lead-
ing this nationa l eort.
SEC. 2. Responsibilities of Fe deral agencies. Consonant
with Title I of the National Environmenta l Policy Act
of 1969, hereinafter re ferred to as the “Act”, the heads
of Federal agencies sha ll:
(a) Monitor, evaluate, and control on a continuing
basis their agencies’ ac tivities so as to protect and
enhance the qua lity of the environment. Such activities
shall include those d irected to controlling pollution
and enhancing t he environment and those de signed to
accomplish other program object ives which may aect
the quality of the envi ronment. Agencies sha ll develop
programs and meas ures to protect and enhance envi-
ronmental quality a nd shall assess progress in meet ing
the specic objectives of such ac tivities. Heads of agen-
cies shall consu lt with appropriate Federal, State and
local agencies in c arrying out their activities a s they
aect the qua lity of the environment.
(b) Develop procedures to ensure the f ullest prac-
ticable provision of timely public information a nd
understanding of Federa l plans and programs with
environmental impact in order to obta in the views
of interested parties. e se procedures shall include,
whenever appropriate, provision for public hearings,
and shall provide the public w ith relevant infor mation,
including information on altern ative courses of action.
Federal agencies sha ll also encourage State and loca l
agencies to adopt similar proc edures for informing the
public concerning their act ivities aecting the qualit y
of the environment.
(c) Insure that information regard ing existing or poten-
tial environmenta l problems and control methods
developed as part of res earch, development, demon-
stration, test, or evaluat ion activities is made available
to Federal agencies, State s, counties, municipalities,
institutions, and other entitie s, as appropriate.
(d) Review their agencies’ stat utory authority, admin-
istrative regu lations, policies, and procedures, includ-
ing those relating to loa ns, grants, contracts, leases,
licenses, or permits, i n order to identify any de cien-
cies or inconsistencies therein wh ich prohibit or limit
full complianc e with the purposes and provisions of
the Act. A report on this re view and the corrective
actions taken or plan ned, including such measures to
be proposed to the President as may be neces sary to
bring their authority and pol icies into conformanc e
with the intent, purposes a nd procedures of the Ac t,
shall be provided to the Cou ncil on Environmental
Quality not later th an September 1, 1970.
(e) Engage in exchange of data a nd research results,
and cooperate with agencie s of other governments to
foster the purposes of the A ct.
(f) Proceed, in c oordination with other agencies, with
actions required by sect ion 102 of the Act.
(g) In car rying out their responsibilities under the Act
and this Order, comply with the regu lations issued by
the Council except where such c ompliance would be
inconsistent with statutor y requirements.
[SEC. 2(g) added by Executive Order 11991.]
SEC. 3. Responsibilities of Coun cil on Environmental
Quality. e Council on Env ironmental Quality shall:
(a) Evaluate existing and proposed p olicies and act ivi-
ties of the Federal Government di rected to the control
of pollution and the enhancement of the envi ron-
ment and to the accomplishment of other objectives
which aect t he quality of t he environment. is sha ll
include continuing review of proce dures employed
in the development and enforcement of Federal sta n-
dards aec ting environmental quality. Based upon
such evaluations the C ouncil shall, where appropriate,
recommend to the President policies of environmental
quality and sha ll, where appropriate, seek resolution of
signicant environ mental issues .
(b) Recommend to the President and to the agencies
priorities among programs desi gned for the control of
pollution and for enhancement of the environment.

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