Appendix 30: Other Helpful CEQ Publications

AuthorNicholas C. Yost
Other Helpful CEQ Publications Page 525
Other Helpful CEQ Publications
e following documents, too leng thy to reproduce in this Deskbook, may be helpful in your re search:
CEQ, Incorporating Biodiversity C onsiderations Into Environmental Impac t Analysis Under the National
Environmental Policy Act ( Jan. 1993)
CEQ, e National Environmental Policy Ac t, A Study of Its Eectiveness A fter Twenty-Five Years (Jan.
CEQ, Environmental Justice, Guid ance Under the National Environmental Policy Act (Dec. 1997).
CEQ & OMB Memorandum on Environmental C ollaboration and Conic t Resolution, 7 Septem-
ber 2012 (available atles/OMB_CEQ_Env_Collab_C onict_R esolu-
Memorandum for Heads of Federal Depa rtments and Agencies: Emergencies and the National E nviron-
mental Policy Act, 12 May 2010 (available atles/nepapub/nepa_documents/
RedDont/G-CEQ-Emerg encies.pdf )
Memorandum for Heads of Depart ments and Federal Agencie s Reporting on NEPA Status for Activities
and Projects Receivin g American Recovery and Reinvestment Ac t Funding, 20 November 2009 (with 4
Memorandum for Heads of Depart ments and Federal Agencie s: Reporting NEPA Status and Progress for
Recovery Act Act ivities and Projects, 3 April 2009 (this replaced the 11 March 20 09 Memorandum for
Heads of Departments a nd Federal Agencies: Re porting NEPA Status and Progress for Recovery Act A ctivi-
ties and Projects; and is supplemented by the 20 November 20 09 Memorandum for Heads of Depart ments
and Federal Agencies R eporting on NEPA Status for Activities and Projects Rec eiving American Recovery
and Reinvestment Act Fundi ng) (available at
CEQ Exchange of L etters with Secretary of Energy : Application of NEPA Categorical Exclusions to the
Auto Loan Program u nder section 136 of the Energy Independence a nd Security Act of 2007, March 2009
Part 1, Part 2
Memorandum for Heads of Depart ments and Federal Agencie s: Department and Agency NEPA Contacts
and Capacity, 12 February 200 9
CEQ, OSTP, OMB memo on National Environmental Status and Trends Indicators, June 20 08
CEQ & OMB Memorandum on Environmental C onict Resolution, 28 November 2005 - is memora n-
dum has been replaced by t he CEQ & OMB memorandum of 7 September 2012.
Memorandum for Federal NEPA Contacts: Emergenc y Actions and NEPA, 8 September 2005 (available atles/nepapub/nepa_documents/RedDont/G-CEQ -EmergencyGuida nce.pdf).
Guidance on the Considerat ion of Past Actions in Cumulative E ects Analysis, 24 June 2005 (available atles/nepapub/nepa_documents/RedDont/G-CEQ -PastActsCu mulEects.pd f)

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