Appendix 3

AuthorSusan M. McMichael
Page 365
Appendix 3
Military Munitions Rule in a Nutshell
(40 C.F.R. Part 266, Subpart M, 62 Fed. Reg. 6622 (Feb. 12, 1997))
Scope (§266.201)
Military Munitions
e MMR applies to any generator or hazardous
waste facility that manages “military munitions.”
Military munitions are dened at §260.10 to mean
ammunitions a nd components produced or used
by the DOD, the U.S. Armed Ser vices, DOE, U.S.
Coast Guard, the National or State Guard, a nd their
contractors or agents. e term does not include
nonnuclear components of nuclear devices man-
aged under DOE’s nuclear weapons program after all
required sanitization operations are completed under
the AEA of 1954.
ree aspects of the rule go beyond wa ste military
munitions and the military : (1) new storage standards
for waste munitions and explosives; (2) emergency
response; and (3) manifest exemptions for all genera-
tors, transporters and haz ardous waste facilities.
The Denition of Military Munitions as
“Solid Waste” (§266.202)
Unused Munitions
Unused munitions are a regulatory solid waste if:
(1) abandoned ( by disposal, burning, detonation
(except intended use), incineration or being treated
prior to d isposal); (2) removed from storage for dis-
posal; (3) deteriorated or damaged so that they cannot
be put into serviceable condition, recycled or used for
other purposes, e.g., over packed chemical weapons;
or (4) declared by an authorized military ocial to
be a solid waste. EPA stated that RCRA jurisdiction
is triggered when the decision to treat or dispose “has
clearly been made” which practically “means that
storage of unused munitions is, for the most part, not
subject to RCRA.” 62 Fed. Reg. 6622, 6632.
Used and Fired Munitions
• Used and red munitions are not regulatory
solid waste if used for their intended purpose,
including when a munition is being used for
training, research, development, testing, and
evaluation; and when destroyed during ra nge
clearance operations at active and inactive
ranges; except: (1) if taken o-range for storage,
reclamation, treatment, disposal, or treatment
prior to disposal; or (2) if recovered, collected,
and then disposed by burial or land lling
either on or o-range.
• Used or red munitions a re statutory solid
wastes if used for their intended purpose. Statu-
tory solid waste munitions are subject to cor-
rective action or imminent and substantial
endangerment authority if the munition lands
o-range and is not promptly retrieved or ren-
dered safe.
Storage and Transportation Conditional
Exemptions (§§266.203(a), .205)
Nonchemical waste munitions that are solid wastes
may be conditionally exempt from RCRA storage
and transportation standards provided they are man-
aged according to DOD and DOT regulations and
meet other criteria under §266.203 (transportation)
and §266.205 (storage).
• RCRA §3004(j) storage prohibitions do not
apply to waste chemical agents a nd munitions
under §266.205(d)(2). See 62 Fed. Reg. 6622,

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