Appendix 16c Lien Evaluation Checklist

LibraryConstruction Law in Oregon (OSBar) (2019 Ed.)

Appendix 16C Lien Evaluation Checklist


Date claimant commenced its work:__________

Date claimant provided Notice of Right to a Lien:__________(See ORS 87.021; ORS 87.025)

(Covers back to__________)

Date claimant provided Information Notice to Owner: __________ (See ORS 87.093)

Claimant's last day of work on the project or completion of the project, whichever is earlier:__________

75 days from that date:__________(See ORS 87.035; ORS 87.045)

Date claimant recorded claim of lien:__________

120 days from that date:__________(See ORS 87.055)

Owners or Reputed Owners





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