Antitrust as a Multidisciplinary Field: Introduction and Overview of the Symposium

Date01 December 2014
AuthorGregory T. Gundlach
Published date01 December 2014
Subject MatterArticle
THE ANTITRUST BUL L E T I N :Vol. 59, N o. 4/Winte r 2014 :687
Antitrust as a
multidisciplinary field:
Introduction and overview
of the symposium
The focus of antitrust is competition. For over a century, the mandate
of antitrust has been to evaluate aggressive commercial conduct and
then judge its purposes and effects to determine whether to permit or
forbid such conduct as procompetitive or anticompetitive. In this
capacity, like all law, antitrust has evolved over time, responding to
ne w in si gh ts a nd u nd er sta nd in g re ga rd in g co mp et it io n an d
comp eti tive c ond uct. T his s ympo siu m in the Antitrust Bulletin,
Antitrust as a Multidisciplinary Field, takes stock of this evolution by
focusing on new insights from economics and existing insights from
the business discip lines for shaping the i ntellectual founda tions of
© 2014by Federal Legal Publications, Inc.
* Distinguished Professor, University of North Florida; Director &
Senior Fellow, American Antitrust Institute.
AUTHOR’S NOTE: The American Antitrust Institute is indebted to those who
participated in the symposium, which took place at the National Press Club in
Washington, DC, on June 11, 2013, each of the authors who contributed to this
special issue, and the audience who asked questions, provided additional information,
and sometimes elevated discourse on the topic.

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