Answering the question: change ... now what?


The theme of the 23rd Annual LMA Conference presciently asked: Change ... Now What? The question was asked--and answered--as legal marketers gathered in National Harbor, Md., from April 1-4. Post-conference, Strategies followed up with several thought leaders throughout the profession to ask them ... now what? Here is a sample of their answers:

Timothy B. Corcoran

There's a palpable feeling of extraordinary change in the air. Legal marketers have spent years slowly introducing modern marketing principles, with mixed success. Suddenly the clients stopped calling and our lawyers are stunned. There has never been a greater need, or a greater opportunity, for professional legal marketers to step up. But we must change too. We've lost the luxury of time and bandwidth to waste on the self-promotional (self-delusional?) tasks our lawyers call marketing. We must target the right clients rather than chase any dollar, and focus on the solving client's business problems rather than merely touting the firm's capabilities.

Service providers must also change. No more arms race for features. Show us how your products and services drive revenue, reduce costs, allow us to do more with less. Help us help our lawyers run a more efficient and effective business. Viva la change!

Timothy B. Corcoran is senior consultant with Altman Weil, Inc.

Nathan Darling

Go. I've been coming to--and learning from--the LMA conference for many years. As always, attending the conference gave me a number of ideas and insights that I look forward to applying at my firm. The keynote speakers, breakout session facilitators and friends I chatted with in the hallways refreshed, inspired and reminded me that savvy marketers can truly shine in tough times.

We are a resourceful and resilient bunch, and our firms need our leadership now more than ever. Resist the instinct to hunker down and keep the status quo. Change course. Try something new. Go forward.

And, go back. Go back to your conference materials. Go back to the LMA Web site ( and LMA Connect. Go back and renew conversations with colleagues in your chapter. Amidst great change in our profession, LMA will be here to support you.

Nathan Darling is the president-elect of LMA and director, client development & marketing atVan Ness Feldman

Ross Fishman

Now what? Most likely, lots more change. Change that is racing up from behind us like a bullet train. Better figure out how to jump on board.

Remember quietly...

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