Animals ease social anxiety in autistic kids.

PositionYOUR LIFE - Brief article

When animals are present, children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) have lower readings on a device that detects anxiety and other forms of social arousal when interacting with their peers. Companion animals--like dogs, cats, or guinea pigs--may prove to be a useful addition to treatment programs designed to help children with ASD improve their social skills.

The study was conducted by Marguerite O'Haire from the Center for the Human-Animal Bond in the College of Veterinary Medicine of Purdue University, West Lafayette, Ind., and colleagues in the School of Psychology at the University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia.

ASD affects the structure and function of the brain and nervous system. Individuals with this condition have difficulty communicating and interacting with other people. They also have restricted and repetitive interests and behaviors.

For the study, the researchers allowed the children to have 10 minutes of supervised play with guinea pigs. When the session with the guinea pigs began, skin conductance levels among the...

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