If you are thinking of beginning a new relationship with someone, you might want to consult with your animal friends first. Chances are, if your pet trusts someone, he or she is a pretty likeable human, says C.B. Chastain, professor of veterinary medicine and surgery and associate dean at the College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Missouri-Columbia. "Watch how people treat animals and how the animals respond to them to pick people whose company you will enjoy and who deserve your trust."

Many people initially are attracted to individuals who are very talkative, stare directly into their eyes, and exaggerate their hand and arm motions while talking. This is not at all what animals are looking for in a friend. They prefer humans who speak softly when necessary, avoid stares that might be intimidating, and do not make unnecessary motions with their arms while talking. A human can alter a new acquaintance's behavior by offering...

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