Angry wives without a cause.

PositionAngry Without a Cause - Brief article

Christian author and speaker Raymond Force believes that wives sometimes are "their own arch-enemies" when it comes to influencing their husbands for good. In Angry Without a Cause, Force writes: "The woman [who] ridicules her husband by making sarcastic remarks and subtle inferences to his lack of leadership and abilities is not only hurting her husband, but also herself. She is not only ensuring that he will have a tough time rising above her low view of him, but she will also end up despising him for not being half the man that she has discouraged him to be."


Force agrees that men are in need of reform when it comes to marital behavior, but he feels the real issues that are keeping women from having a positive effect on their husbands often are overlooked. "Most books that I have read on marriage and relationships portray men as relational clowns, whereas women tend to get off 'scot-free.' It is true that most husbands need to change their approach to marriage, but many wives are unaware that their frustrated phrases and condescending remarks are pushing their men into an emotional pit."

When asked if men are emotional creatures...

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