NCSL and you.

PositionNational Conference of State Legislatures

You are a member of NCSL. Every legislator in the nation and all legislative staffers are.


It means that you are part of the largest, most influential, prestigious organization of legislatures in the nation. And it means a whole lot more to you, personally.

* When you need information about an issue or what other states may be doing, give us a call. We are here to give you thorough, comprehensive information as soon as you need it, and we have the country's most knowledgeable staff on issues facing legislators to answer your questions.

* When you want to hear the nation's leading experts speak on the issues that matter to you and the chance to delve into policy, attend one of the 20 meetings we hold throughout the country each year and plan to come to our Annual Meeting in August in Seattle.

* When you want to influence Congress on the federal issues that affect states, ask your chamber's leader to appoint you to one of NCSL's Standing Committees. These 15 committees are issue-driven and meet several times a year to discuss state and federal issues, share ideas and guide NCSL's lobbying efforts in Washington, D.C.

* When you want to see 50-state research, state statutes, in-depth analysis of critical issues, log onto, our award-winning Web site where policy clicks. You can join listservs and discussion groups, search tens of thousands of documents, receive personalized information on your issues, access NCSL books and newsletters, and...

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