An Introduction to Patent Engineering

AuthorDonald S. Rimai
ProfessionRecently retired from Eastman Kodak, where he worked as a researcher and intellectual property manager in digital printing and adhesion science
When writing a book, the goal is to discuss a topic in a clear and concise
manner.  e author gratefully acknowledges the considerable e orts of his
wife Nancy Rimai for her painstaking reading, commenting, and propos-
ing changes that have allowed this book to achieve its goals.  e author
would also like to thank Chris White, Kelly White and Roland Schindler
for their input into this manuscript. I would especially like to thank Roland
and Chris for sharing their expertise in patent law with me.  e author
would also like to thank Mr. Ray Owens, Esq. for the numerous discussions
that we have had over our many years together.  ese discussions greatly
enhanced my understanding of patent law and related issues.

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