An Individual's Right To Be Forgotten

AuthorDavid Zetoony
ProfessionIs a partner in the Boulder, Colorado office of Bryan Cave Leighton Paisner, LLP, an international law firm
RIGHt to Be
Q.44 WHAt Is tHe “RIGHt to Be foRGotten”?
The right to be forgotten refers to the ability of a person to request that
a company erase all of the personal data that it keeps about the person.
Q.45 DID tHe GDpR cReAte tHe RIGHt to Be
The right to be forgotten is often cited as a “new” right that was cre-
ated by the GDPR. In actuality the right to be forgotten was includ-
ed within the Privacy Directive—the predecessor to the GDPR—and,
therefore, existed for over twenty years before the GDPR was conceived.
The following compares the right as presented under the Directive and
under the GDPR:9293
Member States sha ll guarantee
every data subject the right to
obtain from the c ontroller . . .
as appropriate the . . . er asure or
blocking of data the processing of
which does not comply with the
provisions of thi s Directive.92
The data subject sh all have the
right to obtai n from the control-
ler the erasure of personal data
concernin g him or her without
undue delay and the cont roller
shall have the obligation to erase
personal dat a without undue
delay where one of the following
grounds applies .93
92. Privacy Directive, Article 12 (b).
93. GDPR, Article 17(1).
What the GDPR did do was provide greater clarity about when com-
panies were and were not required to honor a request to be forgotten.
See Q 49 for a discussion of when an erasure request must be honored.
Q.46 ARe tHeRe Any AnALoGs to
tHe RIGHt to Be foRGotten WItHIn
UnIteD stAtes LAW?
While the majority of United States data privacy laws do not include
a right to be forgotten, the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act
(“COPPA”) has an analogous provision. COPPA regulates the online
collection of information from children under the age of 13. Pursuant to
the rules implementing COPPA, parents have a right to review “or have
deleted the child’s personal information.”94
Q.47 ARe ALL coMpAnIes ReQUIReD to
cReAte A poLIcy oR pRoceDURe foR
pRocessInG RIGHt to Be foRGotten
Some companies may decide to create a written policy or procedure for
processing right to be forgotten requests, whereas other companies may
decide that such a policy is unneeded.
The GDPR requires that controllers “be able to demonstrate compliance”
with the core principles espoused by the regulation.95 The obligation to dem-
onstrate compliance is sometimes referred to as the “accountability principle.”
Several of the core principles tangentially relate to the right to be for-
gotten. For example, one of the core principles is that a controller must
not keep personal data for “longer than is necessary for the purposes for
which the personal data [is] processed.”96 The principle relates closely to
an individual’s right to request that personal data be erased if it is “no lon-
ger necessary in relation to the purposes for which [it was] collected.”97
95. GDPR, Article 5(2).
96. GDPR, Article 5(1)(e).
97. GDPR, Article 17(1)(a).

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