An Extreme Value Approach for Modeling Operational Risk Losses Depending on Covariates

Date01 September 2016
Published date01 September 2016
©2015 The Journal of Risk and Insurance. Vol.83, No. 3, 735–776 (2016).
DOI: 10.1111/jori.12059
An Extreme Value Approach for Modeling
Operational Risk Losses Depending on Covariates
Val ´
erie Chavez-Demoulin
Paul Embrechts
Marius Hofert
A general methodology for modeling loss data depending on covariates is
developed. The parameters of the frequency and severity distributions of the
losses may depend on covariates. The loss frequency over time is modeled
with a nonhomogeneous Poisson processwith rate function depending on the
covariates. This corresponds to a generalized additive model, which can be
estimated with spline smoothing via penalized maximum likelihood estima-
tion. The loss severity over time is modeled with a nonstationary generalized
Pareto distribution (alternatively, a generalized extreme value distribution)
depending on the covariates. Since spline smoothing cannot directly be ap-
plied in this case, an efficient algorithm based on orthogonal parameters is
suggested. The methodology is applied both to simulated loss data and a
database of operational risk losses collected from public media. Estimates,
including confidence intervals, for risk measures such as Value-at-Risk as
required by the Basel II/III framework are computed. Furthermore, an im-
plementation of the statistical methodology in Ris provided.
The aim of the article is threefold: first, we present a statistical approach for the mod-
eling of business loss data as a function of covariates; second, this methodology is
exemplified in the context of an Operational Risk (OpRisk) data set to be detailed
later in the article; third, a publicly available software implementation (including a
simulated data example) is developed to apply the presented methodology.
Val ´
erie Chavez-Demoulin is at the Faculty of Business and Economics, University of Lausanne,
Switzerland. Chavez-Demoulin can be contacted via e-mail: Paul Em-
brechts is at the RiskLab, Department of Mathematics and Swiss Finance Institute, ETH Zurich,
8092 Zurich, Switzerland. Embrechts can be contacted via e-mail:
Marius Hofert is at the Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science, University of Waterloo,
200 University Avenue West, Waterloo, ON, Canada N2L 3G1. Hofert can be contacted via
e-mail: The author (Willis Research Fellow) thanks Willis Re for
financial support while this work was being completed. The authors would like to thank the
referees and an editor for various comments that led to a much improved version of the article.
736 The Journal of Risk and Insurance
The fact that we apply the new statistical tools to business “loss” data is not really
essential but rather reflects the properties of the OpRisk data set at hand (and data of
a similar kind). “Losses” can, without any problem, be changed into “gains”; relevant
is that we concentrate our analysis on either the left or the right tail of an underlying
performance distribution function. This more general interpretation will become clear
from the sequel. Slightly more precise, the typical data to which our methodology
applies is of the marked point process type; that is, random losses occur at random time
points and one is interested in estimating the aggregate loss distribution dynamically
over time. Key features will be the existence of extreme (rare) events, the availability
of covariate information, and a dynamic modeling of the underlying parameters as
a function of the covariates. OpRisk data typically exhibit such features; see later
references. Our concentration on an example from the financial services industry also
highlights the recent interest shown in more stringent capital buffersfor banks (under
the Basel guidelines) and insurance (referring to Solvency 2); for some background on
these regularity frameworks, see, for instance, McNeil, Frey, and Embrechts (2005) and
the references therein.
The methodology presented in this article is applied to a database of OpRisk losses
collected from public media. We are aware that other databases are available. In par-
ticular,it would have been interesting to get further explanatory variables such as firm
size (not present in our database) that may have an impact on the loss severity and
frequency; see, for instance, Ganegoda and Evans (2013), Shih, Khan, and Medepa
(2000), and Cope and Labbi (2008). The database at our disposal is, however, original,
rather challenging to model (mainly due to data scarcity), and shows stylized features
any OpRisk losses can show. Our findings regarding the estimated parameters are in
accordance with Moscadelli (2004) (infinite-mean models), the latter being based on a
much larger database. We also provide an implementation including a reproducible
simulation study in a realistic OpRisk context; it shows that even under these difficult
features, the methodology provides a convincing fit. We stress that the (limited) public
OpRisk data available to us provided the motivation for developing the new statistical
extreme value theory (EVT) methodology of this article. Wedo not (and indeed cannot)
formulate general conclusions on the Loss Distribution Approach (LDA) modeling of
real, one-company-based OpRisk data. By providing the R-software used, any indus-
try end-user can apply our techniques to his/her internal data. Wevery much hope to
learn from such experiments in the future so that the method provided can be further
enhanced. In the “Discussion” section, we do however make some general comments
on the quantitative LDA modeling of OpRisk data.
Recall that under the capital adequacy guidelines of the Basel Committee on Bank-
ing Supervision (see, shortened throughout the article as
Basel or the Basel Committee), operational risk (OpRisk) is defined as: “The risk of a loss
resulting from inadequate or failed internal processes, people and systems or from
external events. This definition includes legal risk, but excludes strategic and repu-
tational risk” (see Bank for International Settlements [BIS], 2006, p. 144). By nature,
this risk category,as opposed to Market and Credit Risk, is much more akin to nonlife
insurance risk or loss experience from industrial quality control. OpRisk came under
regulatory scrutiny in the wake of Basel II in the late 90s; see BIS (2006). This is relevant
An Extreme Value Approach for Modeling Operational Risk Losses Depending on Covariates 737
as data were systematically collected only fairly recently, leading to reporting bias in
all OpRisk data sets. We will come back to this issue later in the article. An important
aspect of the Basel framework is industry’s freedom of choice of the internal model.
Of course, industry has to show to the regulators that the model fits well; on the latter,
Dutta and Perry (2006) provide a list of basic principles an internal model has to sat-
isfy.Recent events like Soci ´
erale (rogue trading), UBS (rogue trading), the May
6, 2010 Flash Crash (algorithmic trading), the Libor scandal (fraud involving several
banks), and litigation coming out of the subprime crisis have catapulted OpRisk very
high on the regulators’ and politicians’ agenda.
Basel II allows banks to opt for an increasingly sophisticated approach, starting from
the Basic Indicator Approach and the Standardized Approach to the Advanced Mea-
surement Approach. The latter is commonly realized via the LDA, which we will
consider in this article. All LDA models in use aim for a (loss-frequency, loss-severity)
approach. Regulators prescribe the use of the risk measure Value-at-Risk (VaR) over
a 1-year horizon at the 99.9 percent confidence level, denoted by VaR0.999. Note that
in this notation we stick to the use of “confidence level” in order to refer to what
statisticians prefer to call “percentile”; this unfortunate choice is by now universal
in the regulatory as well as more practical academic literature. For the latter, see for
instance, Jorion (2007, sect. 16.1.2).
The wisdom of the choice of VaR0.999 ishighly contested; see, for instance, Dan´
et al. (2001). We will see later that Expected Shortfall (ES) as another risk measure
is not always a viable alternative, mainly due to the extreme (even infinite mean)
heavy-tailedness of OpRisk data. In this respect, we would like to point to the current
discussion on Market Risk measurement triggered by the Basel documents BIS (2012,
2013). See in particular Question 8 on page 41 of the former: “What are the likely
constraints with moving from VaRto ES, including any challenges in delivering robust
backtesting and how might these be best overcome?” These documents, and the latter
question in particular,led to a very extensive debate between regulators, practitioners
and academics; see Embrechts et al. (2014) for more details. Ingredients of the wider
debate are (1) to what extent can financial or insurance risk be mapped to a number
to be used as a basis for capital requirement; (2) which number, that is, risk measure
to use; and (3) for a given risk measure, how to statistically estimate it and backtest
it on historical data? In this article we mainly look at EVT-based methodology for
answering the first part of (3), that is, statistical estimation, and this with focus on
VaR, at very high quantile levels.
An important question concerns whether OpRisk can be accurately modeled and sta-
tistically estimated as proposed under the Basel guidelines: 1-year VaRat a confidence
level of 99.9 percent. Whereas for certain subcategories like soft- and hardwarefailures
this may be possible, for risk classes like fraud this becomes much more complicated,
if at all possible with the data available. It is worthwhile to compare and contrast this
situation with insurance regulation: under the EU Solvency 2 framework (to come into
force on January 1, 2016) the capital requirement for OpRisk is volume based, that is,
4.5 percent of the technical provisions for life insurance obligations or 3 percent of the
premiums earned during the past 12 months for nonlife. For the Swiss Solvency Test,

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